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Sports Illustrated, UL Best in Tailgating Food

The Sports Illustrated Back to School, On Campus edition dated September 15, 2005 (Cover Below) published a story entitled Best…TAILGATING. The Commissioner of Tailgating, Joe Cahn, spilled the beans on who has the best when it comes to tailgating and declared that the Best…Food was at Louisiana – Lafayette (Story Below).
Please go to http://www.tailgating.com/ to visit Joe Cahn’s tailgating site…remember, he is the self-declared commish. Joe has visited over 80 college campuses and most of the tailgating in the NFL.
When he selected UL, he did it after visiting a very high number of representative universities.

Athletic Network Footnote: It was a pleasure to meet Joe Cahn when he visited UL prior to a home football game last season and later during Thanksgiving week in Kansas City, while tailgating prior to the ABC Monday Night NFL game between the KC Chiefs and the New England Patriots.

Joe had high praise for the UL food, but I was still surprised when he announced that it was the best…imagine if he had tasted some of the Jambalaya prepared by Mr. J. B. Richard and his chefs, along with some of the cracklings and boudin in the Alumni Tent.

The AN began posting tailgating pictures for all home football games in 2002 and have continued the tradition. In 2004 the season photo gallery for tailgating was expanded and a photo gallery was posted for each home football game for each season.

Peace, Dr. Ed Dugas