Become a FanFAN (Friend of Athletic Network) The University of Louisiana at Lafayette Athletic Network (AN) seeks to identify, locate and communicate with former/current athletes/support groups of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. To that end the AN Web Site has been established to serve as a clearing house for UL athletes and a resource available to the AN Web Site visitors 24/7. In response to requests from persons who were not athletes or support groups members, but who want to stay informed and connected with the athletic program of the university, the AN has established a service called FAN (Friend of the Athletic Network). Simply email the Athletic Network at athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu and state you want to become a FAN. Shortly thereafter, you will begin receiving the complimentary electronic newsletter. FANs should program their computer with the Athletic Network email address so it will always receive the AN Newsletters and not be blocked by a fire wall or some type of protection for group mailings. Peace, Ed Dugas John Dugas, Webmaster and Coordinator, Athletic Network Dr. Ed Dugas, Research Coordinator