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Reunion of 1960s Former Football Players – Nov. 18, 2017

The 2017 gathering of former USL Football Players who played for Coach Russ Faulkinberry in the 1960s had their annual reunion on Homecoming Day, Saturday November 18th. The players and staff met again at Walk On Restaurant at 11:00 A.M. for lunch and the wives/girlfriends met at LaMadeline at 11:00 A.M., also that same day.

Approximately 25 former players from the 1960-1965 teams attended the gathering for story telling (lies) about their football days at USL and for lunch. These gatherings are for any USL football players that played during the 1960s. Anyone interested in attending these reunions can contact Tom Kelly at 540-788-4678 or at kellyt32@gmail.com

Submitted by Tom Kelly on Jan. 24, 2018.

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Photos taken by Guy Harvey cajunglh@charter.net and submitted by Tom Kelly kellyt32@gmail.com