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Dr. Winston Ledet
Home Phone: 281-360-7035 I was a walk-on football player in 1959 and got a scholarship to play guard position at the great weight of 165 pounds along side of my brother Tony who was a tackle a couple of years ahead of me. My freshman year I was part of the famous (to us) Mau Mau team coached by student coach Linden Bercegeay and went up against the first team every day of practice. This prepared me well for the spring of 1961 when Coach Faulkinberry showed up and put us through the ringer. I was one of the 28 survivors of that spring and the next year when we had a glorious record of 2 and 8. While we were very tough, we were really small and slow. It is great to see that the teams that came after us did better. After USL and a year at DuPont Chemical Company, I went to graduate school at the University of Texas and got my PhD in Chemical Engineering in 1968. My career at DuPont after graduate school lasted for 27 years working at a number of sites and a number of job types. During my last 5 years at DuPont I helped create a board game that teaches working people at manufacturing plants how to make their plant more reliable. I took early retirement from DuPont at the end of 1993 and started my own company to offer the game to other manufacturing companies. Along the way I married my high school sweetheart, June Block, who attended Tulane University. We had three great children, Michelle, Winston J, and Marc. Michelle has an accounting degree and works with us, Winston J did work with us but now is Director of Strategy at Home Depot, and Marc is a lawyer in San Antonio. Winston J has two children, Austin and Maddie and they live in Atlanta.