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Mr. William Boudreaux (Deceased)

204 Leonie St.
Lafayette, Louisiana 70506

Chevron USA
25293 LA HWY 333
Abbeville, Louisiana 70510

Home Phone: 337-534-0118
Work Phone: 337-898-7424
Fax: --
Email: w.boudreaux49@yahoo.com

Updated Sept. 23, 2018
Patrick Boudreaux USL Football 1979-82 died this past week. He had battled heart disease for many years.

Matt Roth

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Patrick and I had communicated and the AN assisted him in getting his message for help out to teammates and others.
I was able to put him in contact with a close friend from my home town, who had just retired from the McNeese faculty and who had a heart transplant several years ago. They were able to communicate and it was my understanding the conversations were very beneficial to both. Now both are deceased. My friend since childhood, Dr. Harold Aymond, at the time of his death, was the longest living recipient of a heart transplant from his Houston hospital. My God take both in them into his living grace. Peace, ed dugas
Nov. 9, 2018

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4yr letterman;

1982 team captain 1st team DT ALL-LOUSIANA Collegiate Football Team;

1982 6 RD Draft Choice Denver Broncos; Played with British Columbia Lions & Edmond Eskimos Canadian football league;

Coached several AAU little league football and basketball teams to championships;

Married to Lisa Boudreaux – 2 sons Julian & Ian;

Work for Chevron USA 27 years. Currently I am disabled waiting on a heartplant.

At age 35 I developed heart disease from Steptococcal pharyngitis (strep throat).

I asking for donations or help starting a benefit to raise money for this expensive procedure.

One can donate to William Patrick Boudreaux Transplant ACC Gulf Coast Bank account # 1052446 (337-893-7733) 0r call me at (337-315-2997)(337-354-5130)or (337-534-0118)

When I played they called me “Boss Dog” because of my pit bull attitude to win. Well, the same applies to life!