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Mr. Robert "Bill" Booksh
Graduated 1948

10 Tudor Glen
San Antonio, Texas 78257


Home Phone: 210-698-2815
Work Phone: --
Fax: 210-698-9644
Email: Bbookshdominion@aol.com

Entered SLI in 1943 and played football in 1944. Played quarterback on offense and line backer on defense. That team won the LIC championship.
I enlisted in the Army Air Corp in January 1945. I was married in July 1945 and discharged from Air Corp in November 1945 when I returned to SLI to continue my studies in Mechanical Engineering. Since I was married my football playing was over as part time work with Hughes Tool Co. and Halliburton was essential
I graduated in June of 1948 and accepted an Engineering assignment with a Pipe Line Co. in Midland, Texas which was a affilate of Texaco,Inc.
After 13 years and 7 moves through the pipe line system, I was Transfered to Lafayette as Assistant Division Manager of The Texas Pipr Line Co., a wholly owned subsidiary of Texaco Inc.
In 1967 I was named Division Manager of the Houston Division and relocated to Houston,Texas.
In November of that same year I was transfered to New York and appointed World Wide Pipe Line Corrdinator at Texaco Headquateres. I remained in this position until 1972. During that period I was elected to the Board of Directors of the following pipe line companies; Colonial Pipe Line Co., Wolverine Pipe Line Co., Laural Pipe Line Co., Badger Pipe Line Co.,Wyco Pipe Line Co., Olympic Pipe Line Co., Explorer Pipe Line Co.(also Chairman of the Board), and Dixie Pipe Line Co. In 1972 I was named Assistant General Manager of the Supply and Distribution Dept.in Houston,Tx.
In 1975 I remarried Juanita Hatcher, a CPA, graduate of The University of Missouri.
In 1980 I was elected President and CEO of The Texas Pipe Line Co and also three other companies which we operated. In 1985 I retired from this compay and enjoyed retirement in Houston playing golf,woodworking,repairing and restoring golf clubs and traveling with my wife.
In 1992 we discovered a wonderful Golf and Residential community called The Dominion in San Antoio,Tx.
We continue to reside here and continue to enjoy our community, the Hill Country in the Area, and all of the golf we can squeese in