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Dr. Randall Stelly (Deceased)




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Update provided by Paul Bergeron on 11/13/2014
Ed, according to the Vermilion Parish Veterans’ Service Officer, Randall Stelly’s service dates are 12/15/41 to 10/9/45. He was discharged with the rank of “Captain”.

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Update provided by Paul Bergeron on 11/11/2014.
Ed, let me tell you what I remember about Randall Stelly so that if we cannot find the official dates we can determine something close through logic. I remember distinctly that he returned to Abbeville from combat in Italy before hostilities were terminated. This was in 1945 and was made possible by the “points” system which had been established by the military to relieve troops based on their longevity in combat. He had married an Italian girl and had to wait for a time before his war bride could join him. To have enough points to come home early meant he would have been in combat since 1942. So I would say he for sure served from 1942 – 1945.

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Served in Air Force in WWII and survived.

Update provided on Nov. 6, 2009 by Paul Bergeron, an Athletic Network volunteer who researched the L’Acadien for information on military veterans.

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Recollections submitted by Paul
Bergeron to the Athletic Network on Dec. 22, 2004.

Of all the athletes that I remember, my favorite is Randall Stelly. He and I grew up in the rural area known as Coulee Kinney northwest of Abbeville. We went to different schools but we were friends. This was in the middle of the Great Depression, and most families were dirt poor. But his family seemed to be poorer than most. He was determined to get an education. His athletic ability got him a scholarship at SLI. He concentrated on track and became one of the outstanding two mile runners in the nation. He graduated with a degree in Agriculture, went into military service during World War II and when he returned from service, continued his studies and earned the Masters and Ph.D. degrees. He spent a number of years in the US foreign service in Africa and the far east. He wound up his career teaching at Texas A&M.

While an SLI track athlete, he set the Southern AAU record in the 2 mile run.