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Mr. Mo Hannie



Commercial agent/developer at Keller Williams Commercial

Home Phone: --
Work Phone: 337-298-4808
Fax: --
Email: mo@mohannie.com

Mo Hannie – Memories of Steve Oats – submitted April 6, 2021.

I have so many fond memories of Steve, but to explain how special and caring Steve was goes way beyond UL.

Steve and I first met 30 years ago when I started in real estate. His passion for UL and hunting bonded us. However, Steve is so much more than an attorney and a sportsman.

He is a kind, loving and giving person. His love and friendship had no bounds.

Steve was handling some legal work for me which took several years and ended the day he passed. All through that time he knew I was having a hard time dealing with the process and knew I was a worrier. He would even call me the worrier.

Instead of distancing himself from me at baseball games, he would come up to me and talk to me like a brother.

Steve would call me on weekends and tell me to come over to his farm and hang out with him. Anything he could think of to help take my mind off of what was worrying me. That’s the kind of genuine, caring, loving, man he was.

Every time I go to baseball games(our boxes are next to each other), I will always remember his love for UL, him yelling at a pitcher and at the umpire.

I will always remember Steve catering to everyone around home, making sure they were comfortable at the game.
Going to the games will never be the same again.

I miss and love you Steve.
Mo Hannie

* * * * * *

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