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Mr. Kenward "Boo" Bernis




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‘Boo’ leads way for Acadiana on show

Earlier this year, Kenward “Boo” Bernis
was the first person from
Acadiana to make it onto Survivor, traveling to Fiji
for the show’s 14th season.
A quiet competitor, Bernis didn’t make strong
alliances right off the bat, but his physical strength
allowed him to propel his team to several victories in the
show’s challenges.
Despite his physical skills, Bernis also was known as
the show’s resident klutz, poking himself in the eye, cutting
himself, falling out of a hammock and badly twisting
his knee during an obstacle course.
Bernis made it to the final five out of the original 20
contestants and was featured on the live finale, where he
was the first remaining contestant to be voted off.
It was Bernis’ assistance that helped Clement get on
the show when a member of the show’s casting department
asked if he knew anyone who might make an interesting
character on the show.
“I just said the obvious,” Bernis said when asked if he
gave Clement any advice on winning the game. “Just try to
find somebody you can trust and stick with that person.”