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Dr. Johnny "Doc Holliday" Hollier

116 Madewood Drive
Mandeville, La 70471

Dr. Johnny Hollier Dental Surgery
118 North Eighth Street
Oakdale , La 71463

Home Phone: 985-624-8305
Work Phone: 318-215-0018
Fax: 318-215-0027
Email: holfam77@aol.com

Dr. Johnny Hollier submitted his Living Memorial for the Coach Cole Tribute on 10/26/2017 and it was posted by Dr. Ed Dugas on that day. Below his LM to Coach Cole is wonderful information Johnny had updated on March 28, 2014. Johnny was also featured in the July, 2013 Spotlight on Former Athlete and that information is also included below.

Coach Cole was a memorable person to be sure. He recruited me from the time I was a junior at Woodlawn High School in Shreveport.

I transferred to Opelousas High School and ran into Coach Cole many times during the track season including The Southwestern Relays.

He was a charismatic person with great social skills and was a very good track coach. He led USL to many championships as well as helping USL become one of the best track schools in the South.

I will always remember how encouraging he was to me my freshman year at USL following a car accident that resulted in a hairline fracture in my thigh. He was very patient during my rehab.

Dr. Johnny Hollier

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I ran track for Coach Bob Cole’s Ragin’ Cajuns during the good old days. Before that,I competed for Opelousas H.S. recording times of 9.5 seconds for 100 yards and 21.0 in the 220.

I was a state champion and Louisiana record holder winning All-America honors my senior year. I attended USL on a full athletic scholarship and competed in the sprints and relays.

Those were fun times. We won the conference championship in 71. I played trumpet in the USL marching and jazz bands and performed a jazz solo at the half time show of the inaugural football game played at Cajun Field back in 1971.

I attended LSU Medical Center from 73-77 and ran for the LSU Track Club. I qualified for the 1976 Olympic Trials with a 20.58 time in the 200 meters.

I have been married to Shanta Dennis of Port Barre, LA for 38 years and we have 3 children.

After practicing dentistry for 32 years I retired. I now play music with the New Orleans Chamber Orchestra and The Doc Holliday Band.

I continue to compete in masters track and field and have competed at the national and world championship levels.

I won medals in the sprints and relay events at The World Games held in Eugene, Oregon and Melbourne, Australia.

The carefree days of college life are long gone, but the memories are very much alive. I talk to teammates regularly and we still laugh at some of the antics we participated in.

We continue to share life’s blessings and sorrows with one another. I believe that we learned the importance of having a positive ‘never give up’ philosophy from our days at USL.

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Spotlight on Former Athlete: Dr. Johnny Mack Hollier Track & Field 1969-71, Band 1969-71

Bruce Brown
Written for The Athletic Network
Bruce Brown lagolden83@aol.com June 23, 2012

Music, track, dentistry Hollier’s worksheet

Music has always been there for Johnny Mack Hollier.

Track and field competition took talent and hard work.

A 31-year career in dentistry took persistence and dedication.

But music has been there from the start.

Hollier was a sprinter with the UL track and field program of coach Bob Cole from 1969-71, and also played trumpet in the Cajun band _ all while carrying a heavy academic load as a pre-medicine major.

When the Cajuns hosted their first home football game at newly-constructed Cajun Field in 1971, it was Hollier who provided a trumpet jazz solo during the halftime show.

“I had a big advantage in music because my dad was a professional musician,” Hollier said. “He had played with the Stan Kenton Band and had a lot of contacts. He played everything – strings, woodwinds, keyboards – except brass.”

“I played piano and trumpet. I remember playing a piano concert when I was 5. When we would visit places, if they had a piano, I would play. I’d go on gigs with my dad when I was a teenager. It (music) was easy for me.”

“Dad knew all the standards and Big Band tunes. I learned to play by ear. My favorites were Al Hirt and Doc Severinsen.”

Hollier played for the band at Woodlawn High in Shreveport, ranking 13 of 15 at the position, but auditioned for the All-State Band and was selected for that honor.

He also excelled as a sprinter at WHS, among other sports.

“I remember watching the 1960 Rome Olympics and thinking I wanted to run track,” Hollier said. “I was always a fast kid.

“There were a lot of good athletes at Woodlawn. We were coached by A.L.Williams. I was there the day Terry Bradshaw threw the javelin 244-11, a national high school record. We didn’t think it would ever come down.”

“Joe Ferguson lived down the block from us, and he was good with me. I was a skinny kid who had to develop.”

Skinny or not, Hollier was swift enough to finish second in the LHSAA State Meet in the 100-yard dash as a junior at Woodlawn.

He was part of a young school that quickly developed a reputation for athletics. Some 150 sophomores tried out for football at the school of 2,500 students.

But Hollier’s parents divorced in his senior year, and he moved to Opelousas with his mother to finish at Opelousas High. That school was also loaded with track talent.

“(Future Cajun) Reggie Dupre was a hurdler for us,” Hollier recalled. “We ran a 42-second 4×110 relay and a 1:27 in the 880 relay that was top 6 in the nation.

“They had just poured a new track when I got there, and it was a really fast track.”

Hollier had high school bests of 9.5 at 100 yards and a 21-flat 220, and was a state champion in the 100 as a senior. He also won the high school division of the 100 at UL’s prestigious Southwestern Relays, and soon signed with Cole’s Cajun squad.

“Bob Cole was a tough guy.” Hollier said. “He taught us a lot. You just don’t quit. He was a great recruiter, but when he got you there, he didn’t coddle you. It was a tough transition. He was a typical 1950’s type of coach.

“He was well-liked, though. When he died in 2006, most of us were at the funeral.”

Hollier found keen competition at UL, with high-stakes battles for any positions.

“It was an honor just to make a relay team,” Hollier said. “We had a well-balanced team. We were strong in the sprints with people like Aaron Tompson and Galen LaBauve, and had a good distance corps with runners like Arthur Botterill of Australia.

“I ran on our national indoor mile relay team. Once I got to college, they found I was better in the 220 and 440 and mile relay. I had a lot of injuries, a lot of muscle pulls, (maybe) because I didn’t work as hard as the others.”

Hollier was carrying 20 hours a semester in a three-year pre-med program, trying the go to dental school, and staying at peak form in track was a big challenge. But he enjoyed the “great comraderie” on the team during his three years.

Studying from 1973-77 at LSU Medical Center, Hollier continued running as a member of the LSU Track Club. He ran a personal-best 20.58 200 meters at the 1976 U.S. Olympic Track and Field Trials. In later years, he won sprint medals in Masters competition at World Games in Eugene, Ore., and Melbourne, Australia.

“Some sprinters aren’t going to push it; they need a coach,” Hollier said. “I was always self-motivated. There were a lot of tracks around New Orleans, and I found a lot of guys to train with.

“I found that training relieves anxiety. Track becomes an oasis. In dental school, if you flunk one course, you have to take the whole year over. We lost 10 of 100 (students) in the first six months.

“Running and training was a big help for me.”

Hollier, who had volunteered at medical facilities as a teen in Shreveport, knew medicine was his calling. And the didactic courses went well. But hands-on course work requiring hand-eye coordination proved difficult.

“It did not come natural to me,” he said. “I could memorize well, but working in three dimensions required a lot of skill.

Others were really good with their hands. If I was going to do it right, I had to do it slower. It was pretty demanding.”

During a 31-year dental career, Hollier made time to use his skills on mission trips to Central America, providing care for those less privileged.

Now, though, the focus has returned to his first love, music.

Hollier, who lives on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain, is a regular performer with the New Orleans Chamber Orchestra.

He also has his own band, the Doc Holliday Band, which features – what else? – Big Band selections.

“I still play every day, and I rehearse three or four times a week,” Hollier said. “It’s fun; it’s not work at all. I play trumpet and piano, do lounge work. I play classical, weddings, there’s always something.

“In New Orleans, no matter your style, there’s an audience for it. It’s amazing. There are so many venues there are to play. You take gigs, and hope for the best.

“A bad day of music is better than any day as a dentist. I remember when my dad would practice, sometimes he would go into a dream state.

“I’m 61 now. I think I’ll play a while longer.”

Bruce Brown
Written for The Athletic Network
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To view all of the photos of Johnny posted with his Spotlight Feature, please click on any AN story in the news box, then when that page appears, click on the Archives News in the upper left of the page. When the Archives format appears, click on July and 2012, then the headlines of Johnny’s story. You will enjoy the variety of photos posted.
Updated Dr. Ed Dugas, Oct. 26, 2017.