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Mr. John Falgout




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Email: jmurph3688@gmail.com

•Retired High School Principal – Lake Charles High School
•Worked a combined 32 years with:
o Offshore Energy
o Garber Brothers

Updated Dec. 1, 2014 via email from son Terry Falgout. The photo in his entry on the Military Page was taken while John was stationed in Tsingtao, China 1946.

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Served in US Navy aboard the Destroyer Tender, USS Sierra from 1945-1948. Served in US Air Force Reserve from 1952-1963. Discharged as Captain.


Lives in Lake Charles. Both he and my mother, Jennie Lee Bruno Falgout (SLI Homecoming Queen), and 4 of 5 children graduated from SLI/USL/ULL (had one McNeese holdout). I played for Sam Robertson from 1981-1986. His grandson, John Michael Falgout, is a Senior attending the US Air Force Academy and is now the starting Linebacker for the Falcons.

Updated by Terry Falgout, son, and former UL punter on Nov. 12, 2009

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Member,S Club Hall of Fame; All-Conference, 1950 Defense, 1951 & 1952, Offense & Defense; Holder of four receiving records.