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Dr. Jerry Battles

1015 Tenassee Trail
Columbia, Tennessee 38401

Maury County Assessor of Property
#6 Public Square
Columbia, Tennessee 38401

Home Phone: 931-388-1450
Work Phone: 931-375-4020
Fax: 931-375-4019
Email: battlesjl@yahoo.com

I was named SID in September, 1961 and
served until June 30, 1962. I compiled
and edited the first basketball brochure
utilizing old yearbooks and scorebooks
maintained by Coach Reinhardt. The brochure won a second-place “All-America
Award” among NAIA universities. The 1962
football brochure co-edited and completed after I left by Bob Henderson,
won a third-place ‘All-America’award.
I completed graduate degrees at the
University of Alabama and Auburn and later served as a community college Dean of Students and Superintendent of Schools while living in TN since 1970. My wife and I have two children and four grand-children. I have university-related friends in Louisiana and many fond memories.