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Mr. Bobby Simon
Home Phone: -- After I guess a very good intramural performance, I got called into the stands by coach Evans( I think) and was asked if I would like to come out for the track team. I accepted and showed up the next day for training. Since it was near the end of the semester and I was in need of financial assistance, I asked Coach Evans for any kind of assistance but because of the lack of funds for the track team, he said for me to come back next year and he would see what he could do for me. Well that was a whole year away and I was in need of immediate assistance so I thanked him and applied and got work in the film library then the Dupre library. That followed by working at the old Charity hospital in the lab, my major, then working afternoons at a local doctors office. Tough work schedule, but financially beneficial. It all worked out and I loved the adventure. After graduating in Medical After 14 years, I sold my partnership and ventured into the workplace drug testing business. Eleven years later, I joined 2 other individuals and started our own drug testing business. Seven years later, I retired and have been for 10 years. Life is good. I have been a staunch supporter of all ULL academic and athletic activities and still am. From the Red Coats to RCAF, many, many a road trip to football games and basketball playoff games along with not missing too many home games. I have been one blessed man seeing how all has turned out. I met my future wife at old Charity where she was a nurse and I was working part time in the lab . This was the best thing that EVER happened to me. I thank God daily for my blessings. I truly regret not making the baseball team as a walk on then the track team. But life goes on. Been a good “run” Ed. I appreciate your friendship all these years. God Bless, Bobby Simon