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Veterans Day is Nov. 11th – Military Veteran has been added to the AN profile format

November 11 is Veterans Day. In preparation of that special day, the AN is attempting to provide greater visibility for our veterans.

The Athletic Network profile format has been expanded to include "Military Veterans". For years information has been collected on military veterans who were former athletes or former support group members, including faculty and staff. The information had been placed in profiles, news stories and in the Military Page in the Photo Gallery. Now there are several centralized locations on the AN to view our "protectors of liberty." 

Please click here to view the Military Page. Our military veterans are listed there in alphabetical order, with a link to their AN profile and, in some instances, a photo of them in their military attire. The AN is seeking this information for all of our Military Veterans who were a former athlete, member of a support group, including faculty or staff. Please help us update this list. 

The task of retrieving and posting this information from emails, news stories, obituaries, and AN profiles will be an awesome challenge. For this reason, we are requesting your help.  Please email athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu to provide names and information on any of our Military Veterans. Most importantly, please identify their branch of service and dates of service. Please include any information about their tour of duty, including any special recognitions.  We also request an electronic copy of either a mug shot or larger photo of the veteran in their military attire.

Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. Our military veterans and the protectors of our liberties deserve whatever the AN can do to document their sacrifices. Many of them made the ultimate sacrifice so we may live free. Many of our Military Veterans were so deeply committed to their military service, they made it a career. Here on some of our career military veterans listed on the Military Page: Don Alonzo, John Arms, Sid Banks, Marion H. Schorr Brown, Danny Couvillion, Stephan Fontenot, Kimberly Ja’nelle Hall Francois, Tom Kelly, Shelley Landry, Michael Langston, Daniel "Brady" Muth, James Myrick, Dion Rainey, Louis Roth, and Rodney Trahan. Please email the names of any veterans who may be missing from the listing. Thank you.

To view a listing of veterans by year of service, please click on www.athleticnetwork.net , Select a Group (upper left of home page), highlight and click on Military Veteran, then scroll to the year of your interest. Click on a name to view their AN profile.

Tom Kelly, retired USMC Colonel (1964-89) and USL football 1961-63; Sammi Z. Conner and Erasto Padgon, both with the UL Veterans Services Office; and Ed Dugas, Athletic Network, met at Olde Tyme Grocery  on Oct. 31, 2014 to discuss strategies to provide greater visibility on the AN for military veterans. The addition of the Military Veteran attribute in the AN profile format is one of the outcomes of the meeting. AN profiles are posted for each person in the photo.

Peace, Ed Dugas