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Track & Field: Video (youtube) of 1965-68 Southwestern Relays Reposted & Available

Videos (youtube) of the 1965-68 Southwestern Relays – Feb. 19, 2020

Through the efforts of Charles de Gravelles, Katherine & Tommy Jameson and their support staff, the Athletic Network is pleased to announce that the videos of those Southwestern Relays have been recaptured and reposted.

Tommy Jameson reminded the AN of their disappearance. Tommy Badon, Asst. Track Coach,  brought it to the attention of Matt Sullivan, UL Athletics Media who identified the problem, and Noah Morley, AN student assistant made the adjustments.  

Thanks to all of you for your assistance making the videos available on http://www.athleticnetwork.net/  
Click on the Photo Gallery (left side of home page, Track and Field (menu), the four years of video. The link for the video is located at the top of each page. Thanks.  

Some of the videos contain officials, coaches & teams, relays court, many of the events, etc. They are priceless.

To identify many of the USL Track & Field performers in the videos, you may visit those photo galleries and see the digital picture, then use the search engine in the upper left. Click on the Select A Team, highlight Track & Field and click on it – the alphabetical rosters for each year will appear beginning with 2020. Click on a name and their profile will appears. Thanks.

There are too many All-Americans and Olympians to list them in this newsletter, but those of you familiar with the Track & Field program during the decade of the 1960s will remember the "hay-day" of the Southwestern Relays. The meet director was usually Dr. Dave Fisher, Athletic Hall of Fame member who recently celebrated his 94th birthday – shortly after publishing, "Meaningful Memories of David H. Fisher." Click here for a photo of the cover.

Your support of the Track & Field Program is appreciated.

Peace, Dr. Ed Dugas