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Still Image Program (SIP) May 1, 2024 Features the 2000 Baseball Team

After clicking www.athleticnetwork.net , please click the link immediately below the 2000 Baseball team photo and be taken to that photo gallery.

Please click on Photo Gallery > Baseball > then any of the 88+ years you wish to view for photos and information on our rich Baseball program.
Additionally, on that page, you may click several Alumni weekends, the April 2010 weekend honoring the 2000 team, David Alvis Hall of Fame honor, and the Alvin Dark Recognition.

Watch the video of “Centerfield at the Tigue” in the 7th inning stretch and one of UL defeating Clemson in the 2000 College World Series.

Please click “Select a Team” > highlight Baseball > click red search button on the left to view the alphabetical listing of many of our former players.

Please share this newsletter with others in your address book, like Baseball support groups, including Fans. Thanks.

Thanks to John Dugas for posting the SIP program for today.

This email is posted in the News at www.athleticnetwork.net

Peace, Ed Dugas