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The May 2017 Banna Baseball  Team Reunion is featured in the AN Still Image Program (SIP)

Happy Mardi Gras to all of our athletes on this pre-Mardi Gras weekend.

Please click www.athleticnetwork.net for the SIP feature of the 2017 Banna Baseball Reunion Team.

Click the link below the SIP photo on the home page at www.athleticnetwork.net  and be taken to that Photo Gallery.

Please click Ragin’ Cajuns Reunions on the right side of the home page for a trip down Memory Lane – It includes over 50 reunions and special events.  Even a small review of some of the years will make you want to stand up and cheer.

Please provide a last name in the Last Name box and click on the red search button, then click on the person’s name to view the profile of any of the people in the various photo galleries or the Athletic Network at www.athleticnetwork.net   

Please share this announcement with others in your address book and remember to check www.athleticnetwork.net on a regular basis, as the mass email newsletter is no longer sent on a pre-planned basis.

Thanks to John Dugas for posting the SIP photo and links.

Ragin’ Cajun fans are also encouraged to view the Ed Dugas Facebook Profile Page where many athletic and university photos and information are posted, along with some about my family and Evergreen (my home town). www.evergreenla.org   Once you visit the website and click around, you will know why it is named Evergreen.

Breaking news – Please review the obituary of Chockey Kassem, former player and coach. News of the passing of Charles Bordes was received today and his obituary will be posted once it is available. Thank you for helping spread the word. Coach Jim Hatfield passed away earlier this week and his information has been posted.  

Peace, Ed Dugas
March 1, 2025