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Still Image Program (SIP) Major Key of Re-activated Athletic Network Website

Please click on www.athleticnetwork.net and note the new photo above the News. That photo was taken from the Athletic Network Promotion folder so other photos promoting the Athletic Network can be viewed by clicking below the photo.

Do you recall the Athletic Network Bumper Stickers donated by Lowry’s to the Athletic Network to help our promotion efforts? The 2012 Football game day program contained an article about the wonderful donation by Bill “Peanut” and Betty Lowry of Lowry’s and provides a ten-year update of the website.

Remember Soccer Coach Scot Wieland and UL athletes entering a float in the Independent Parade, Mardi Gras, 2010? It was a blast and a great outreach activity for athletics. This event has it’s own photo gallery. Click here https://athleticnetwork.net/athletic-network-events/ for the complete menu of the Athletic Network Events.

Special thanks to John for posting the SIP.

Thank you for making others aware of the recent activation of the AN and that the newsletters will not be sent as in the past. However, a regular visit to the News at www.athleticnetwork.net will provide much of that information.

Peace, Ed and John Dugas