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Softball’s Jolie Readeaux Q&A, delivered by RoadRunnerApp.com

Readeaux, Jolie 2019-20 Headshot 
Julie Readeaux 

Louisiana Athletics has teamed up with RoadRunnerApp.com to offer a new series on RaginCajuns.com in which student-athletes share details on how they’ve adjusted during the COVID-19 pandemic, and offer insight into their personal lives.

In this Q&A feature article, you will "Get to Kneaux" softball’s Jolie Readeaux. Jolie got a taste of the Ragin’ Cajuns experience in her early childhood, as her sister Kioloni was a member of Louisiana’s Track and Field squad from 2006-09. She aspires to one day work for the FBI, and will have one step complete on the journey when she receives her bachelor’s degree in summer 2020. Jolie spent the 2020 season recovering from a knee injury, and aims to return to the field next spring.

What has been your daily routine during the COVID-19 quarantine?
JR: My daily routine has consisted of waking up to eat, homework and working out.

What has Coach Glasco’s message to your team been during this unprecedented time?
JR: Coach Glasco’s message at this time is to be patient, and most importantly focus on our studies. A lot of questions have still yet to be answered. He has ensured us that he will let us know when he feels the information provided to him is adequate enough for him to relay to the team.

How have you and your teammates stuck together remotely during this challenging time period?
JR: Our team has had a few Zoom calls. My team is my family, therefore we speak to each other fairly often.
Take us back to when you decided to come to the University and become a Ragin’ Cajun. What about the school helped you make that decision?
JR: I decided to become a Ragin’ Cajun during my junior year of high school. The decision was one that came fairly easy. My sister was an athlete here before, so I knew what it meant and what it took to be a Ragin’ Cajun. Cajun country is both a family to me and a home.
What are your plans after your academic and athletic career at Louisiana is done? 
JR: This past year I have set my eyes on working for the FBI – forensics and investigative work has always been my passion. I am scheduled to start my master’s program in Criminal Justice in the upcoming fall. Due to my injury in the 2019 season I am able to complete my master’s here at the University. I plan to eventually receive my doctorate after my career at Louisiana.
What is your earliest sports memory?
JR: My earliest sports memory is competing on the jump rope team in elementary school.
Growing up, your sports hero was who? And why?
JR: Growing up I didn’t really watch sports. As a result I did not really have a sports hero until my high school years. Michelle Moultre was a walk on, turned All-American. That story truly inspired me. It taught me that regardless of your role, when you join the team it is the hard work and determination that proves where you end up.
An important question: what is your favorite food?
JR: Texas Roadhouse rolls.

— RaginCajuns.com —