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Return to work place announcement by President Savoie

Dear faculty & staff,



On May 6, faculty and staff were asked to return to the workplace by May 17, with nine-month faculty returning in August. Consistent with this message, all 12-month employees are required to return to the work location and schedule they had prior to the pandemic no later than Tuesday, July 6, 2021. This does not apply to any teleworking arrangements approved prior to the beginning of the pandemic.



Please be reminded that:


  • Employees are required to complete a Daily Self-Check Questionnaire each day before arriving to work;


  • Employees, except for fully vaccinated employees not engaged in a classroom setting, are required to wear face coverings over their mouths and noses in all indoor spaces while on University property unless alone in their private offices or workspaces;


  • Supervisors shall not inquire about the vaccination status of their employees;


  • Employees are recommended to follow Personal Safety Practices regarding use and care of face coverings, cleaning and disinfection, and ways to protect themselves and others. Further, employees are encouraged to seek University resources for managing mental and emotional well-being, as needed; and 


  • Employees should refer to the guidelines for specific workplace situations such as office work environments, University transportation, meetings, elevators, meals, and laboratory work for any questions. 


Supervisors must utilize the Employee Leave Guidance when addressing concerns about returning to work. Alternative work arrangements (e.g. teleworking, staggered schedule, hybrid, alternating days) are not permitted without prior review and approval by Human Resources. All such requests from employees must be sent by the immediate supervisor directly to Human Resources (hrconsultancy@louisiana.edu).






Dr. Joseph Savoie






Dr. Jaimie Hebert


Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs