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Q&A with AK Harvey from Women’s Tennis, delivered by RoadRunnerApp.com


Louisiana Athletics has teamed up with RoadRunnerApp.com to offer a new series on RaginCajuns.com in which student-athletes share details on how they’ve adjusted during the COVID-19 pandemic, and offer insight into their personal lives.

In this Q&A feature article, you will "Get to Kneaux" tennis’ AK Harvey. A native of the Bossier City, La., Harvery has competed for the Cajuns the last two seasons. 

What has become your daily routine during quarantine?
 My daily routine during quarantine has been waking up around 8/8:30 am every morning and cooking breakfast and getting ready for the day. I then will usually workout at home and now since quarantine has lighten up, I have started to go practice tennis. I then would do any work around the house or schoolwork that I would need to finish up. Then, at night my family and I would cook dinner and enjoy a nice family meal. Before I would go to bed, I would usually watch a movie or read a book and the bible. This is my typical daily routine during quarantine.

What has Coach Vallejos’s message to your team been during this unprecedented time? 
AK:: Coach has told us to stay positive and if there is anything we might need, to contact her. We all understand this situation is new to us all.

How have you and your teammates stuck together remotely during this challenging time period? 
AK: I have stayed in contact with my team through different forms of technology. We have continued to stay positive and cannot wait to be all together to see each other. Our season was cut short, so we are ready to continue next season stronger than ever. I feel this time will make us stronger and help us become even closer than we already are. 

Take us back to when you decided to come to the University and become a Ragin’ Cajun. What about the school helped you make that decision? 
AK: What made this decision was the city of Lafayette and being able to stay in the great state of Louisiana that I have grown up in my whole life. Also, being able to play tennis for Louisiana at a great institution. I also fell in love with the tennis program and wanted to be a part of it.

What is your earliest sports memory?
AK: My earliest sports memory is playing baseball, softball, football, soccer, basketball, and tennis with my dad in the backyard when I was little. Everyday we would play any type of sport you could think off and he would teach me how to throw, catch, or hit the ball. This is how my love for sports began. It was my favorite time of the day.

Growing up, your sports hero was who? And why?
AK: Growing up and still is today, my sports hero is Steve Gleason. If you don’t know who that is, he is the famous Saints player who blocked the punt in 2006 in the Rebirth of the Superdome. He now has ALS. He is my sports hero because he was not the strongest or the best on the team but, his energy, spirit, and attitude was what held him apart from others. His work ethic was extremely amazing and his love and heart for the game he loved was like no other. His saying is, "No White Flags" this is to not quit no matter the adversity or challenges standing in your way. I admire him and look up to him for what he stands for and his amazing work he has done to accomplish his goals.

What is your major, and what about it do you like most?
AK: My major is Kinesiology Pre-Professional. I love how my major is focused on the health of others and helping people and athletes preform at their best. I love learning about anatomy and understanding how the body works.

What are your plans after your academic and athletic career at Louisiana is done?
AK: I am hoping to enter the medical field after my professional schooling is complete. I want to help anyone I can in anyway possible by keeping them as healthy and strong as possible.

An important question: what is your favorite food? 
AK: My favorite foods are catfish and ice cream.

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