More UL Athletic News is Now Posted on Ed Dugas Facebook
Please go to Ed Dugas Facebook and see a blend of current and historical posts. This addition to facebook become necessary in order that we may provide all of the Cajun Nation with timely posts including our current teams and support groups, with links to specific individuals and teams. Between www.athleticnetwork.net and Ed Dugas Facebook you should be as current as possible on news about Ragin’ Cajuns Athletics. Links to www.ragincajuns.com will be included as appropriate. Thanks. Former/current athletes and support groups, as well as fans are encouraged to become a friend on Ed Dugas Facebook. Thanks. Note: Ragin’ Cajuns Football on ESPN at Texas State tomorrow at 6:30 – Yep, Cajuns are 6-1. Peace, Ed Dugas athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu