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Miss Our Athletes/Athletic Teams ? – Take A Walk Back in Time – Archive News Has Many Treasures

Archive News on the Athletic Network is attempting to fill voids and keep the Cajun Spirit alive and well.

With no game reports to view each day, it is important that many of these from the past have been preserved, along with other news worthy items and need to be made readily available to our viewers.  

Just one example is how you may view stories posted in January, February, and March of 2020.

Click on www.athleticnetwork.net 

Click on any story in the news box

Click on Archives News in the upper left of the new page

Click on the month and year you wish to view on the Archive News page, click on the headlines of the story of your interest when the page of titles/dates appear.
Example 1 – click 2020 and January to view the stories placed in the Archive Page for that month/year.

Example 2 – click 2019 and May to view the stories placed in the Archive Page for that month/year.

Thousands of stories have been posted since 2002…going as far back as February, 1962, when USL defeated Northeast in a barn-burner in Men’s Basketball. However, there are many stories which need posting.  You may anticipate the posting of games from the past to be an exciting growth area when the Coronavirus is reduced in danger and things return to what we refer to as normal.

Please scan and email the AN any stories or game reports which you would like posted for any of our teams – current or former. Your assistance is appreciated. Please check your scrapbook and see what can be scanned and emailed to us. Thanks.  

Peace, Dr. Ed Dugas