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Milestones of Football Highlights Posted – Follows Five Sports No Longer Sponsored by Athletics

In an effort to continue to enlighten our Cajun Fans about each sport, the highlights of Football (1901 – present) are presented in a permanent link. What were some of our firsts at McNaspy? At Cajun Field?

To view what has been developed, please click on www.athleticnetwork.net  – History of UL Athletics – Current Sports – Milestones/Ragin’ Cajuns First (It is last in the listing).  
The only link activated for current sports is Football. All other sports are being researched.

In view of our football team opening the 2020 season at 11 AM on ESPN this Saturday, this is an opportunity to review the past 120 years plus.

Please continue to send any milestones for Football which have not be included. Thanks.

Peace, Dr. Ed Dugas
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Milestones of Five Former Sports at the University – May 11, 2020

Abbreviated highlights of Bowling, Boxing, Gymnastics/Trampoline, Weightlifting and Wrestling posted in History of UL Athletics Page

After months of researching, designing, evaluating feedback from reviewers, and contacting former athletes in those sports, please find the Milestones of each in the History of UL Athletics page.  

To view, click on www.athleticnetwork.net
History of UL Athletics (left side of home page);
Former Sports – Milestones and Ragin’ Cajuns Firsts (first page in the listings);
Below the introduction is a tab for each of the sports – complete with historical highlights, special memories, links to photos and photo galleries and more.

Please note that Gymnastics/Trampoline was updated May 13, 2020 to include information about Judi Ford Nash’s USL memories. Additionally, more photos and mementos of her appearance at the 1968 Bayou Holiday Classic have been included. Judi served as Miss America in 1969, but had been named when she made her visit in December, 1968.  

The milestones are not a complete history of each of these sports. That is found in the photo gallery, articles, profiles, etc. The milestone page is only an overview to make the Cajun Nation aware of our rich and storied athletic history and provide visibility to those former athletes and teams.  

Thanks to former athletes in the above sports and for the reviewers who provided excellent feedback for each of the milestone pages. 

Please note that the AN is receptive to receiving additional information. Please email to us for a prompt review and response.  

Peace, Dr. Ed Dugas