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L’Acadien Photo Gallery and Yearly Staff Rosters Completed

The Athletic Network is pleased to announce that work on the Photo Gallery for the L’Acadien and the alphabetical staff listings by year are completed.

To view the L’Acadien Photo Gallery, please click http://www.athleticnetwork.net/  >  Photo Gallery  (left side of the news box)>  L’Acadien (in alphabetical menu), then the year of the gallery you wish to see. There are over 90 years of photos.

Please click on Select a Group (Search Engine in upper left, below AN logo), highlight and click on L’Acadien.
The alphabetical listing of rosters from 1913 to 2017 will become available for viewing.

Please email athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu with any information on former L’Acadien staff or any photos for the years which are not included in the photo gallery. Thanks.

Much of the work has been done on the photo gallery and the yearly staff lists of the Vermilion, but it has not been completed. The AN plans to continue to work toward finalization of this task. Thanks.

Peace, Dr. Ed Dugas