July 15, 2024 SIP Features the Pioneers of the 1973 Volleyball Team
Clicking the link below the SIP photo on the home page will take you to the only photo in the 1973 Volleyball photo gallery.
Linda Nance was hired as an HPE faculty member for the 1972-73 year and was responsible for the start of both women’s volleyball and basketball teams.
Coach Nance, her players, support staff and other pioneers provided both sports with excellent foundations for which to build our women’s athletics. Thanks.
Several of the players in this photo established outstanding careers either in the sport of volleyball, other sports or innovative educational programs.
One of them was responsible for coaching our first official softball team in 1981. Please click on Photo Gallery, Softball, 1981 to read about that inaugural season.
Please provide a last name in the Last Name box and click on the red search button, then click on the person’s name to view the profile of any of the people in the photo of the 1973 Volleyball team.
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Thanks to John Dugas for posting the SIP photo and links.
Peace, Ed Dugas athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu July 15, 2024