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Happy Thanksgiving: Some of our AN Blessings + the meaning of Thanksgiving

The Athletic Network Humbly Gives Thanks For Our Many Blessings
Please consider the following as some of our special blessings:
Our staff who provide competence and dedication to our mission and the captains networks for each sport and support group who assist in a myriad of tasks; 

The former athletes and support group members, who in 2017, wrote Living Memorials and/or provided financial support for the tributes for some of our outstanding coaches;
Our former/current athletes and support groups who provide excellent information for their profiles and who bring honor to the university both on and off the field;
Our FAN network who arm themselves with current and historical information and who help spread the word about www.athleticnetwork.net to the Cajun Nation;  

Our host, Firefly Marketing Solutions, who has been with us since the beginning in 2002, always providing their wonderful professional service;

Our sponsors, whose support and dedication to the university provide funding for the AN so our mission can be accomplished without university funds;

Those mutual links friends of the AN, both on and off campus, who share our mission;

The athletic department staff and coaches who provide assistance so former athletes may become connected with the AN;