After supporting the Ragin’s Cajun Golf Team for years by showing up to their morning practices Lane Wiley had to take a break due to the pandemic. Even with his absence the team decided they wanted to give back to their biggest supporter.
Member of the team Peter Hinnant told us how important Wiley is to the team and why they decided to give back:

“Like I said he is a huge part of our team, a huge part of our program and his appreciation for life, it’s like we’ve been classically conditioned when we see him we get a new gratitude for life because of how positive he is with everything that has been brought his way over the course of his life and he’s more of a blessing to us than we are to him and so we thought we’d give back to him.”
Recently Wiley was able to return back to the course with the team and Friday the team surprised him at a team meeting that they would be gifting him a brand new car.
“I’m glad that there is people out there that are like this and its a big group of guys. I’m just really blown away you know that they were thinking about me because it was getting kind of tough," said Wiley.
Wiley says that the new car will be replacing his old one that was being held together with tape but the biggest upgrade for him:
“You know I don’t have A/C in my car and the summer is coming and I’ll sweat when it’s 30 degrees outside this will be, you know, it was a struggle getting here today in my car so, my heart is racing.”