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Former Faculty & Seasoned Nonagenarians, Fisher & Nelson, Honored at Special Birthday Celebration

Fisher/Nelson Birthday Celebration – January 4, 2019

Our nonagenarian honorees: Dr. David Fisher Sr. & Frederick "Erik" Nelson

Dr. David Fisher (93 on 12/14/2018) and Fred "Erik" Nelson (92 on 1/4/2019) former long-time Health and Physical Education faculty members and World War II veterans, were honored at a small gathering of family, friends, and former students. The time of remembrance and celebration focused on their tenure as faculty members and their lives during retirement.

Please click the Photo Gallery (left side of home page),  Physical Education Majors Club (center of menu), 2019.

The page contains links of interest on the backgrounds and current activities of both honorees.

Interested in living past 90 and still enjoy an active life-style? Their secrets to success are found on this page.

A photo gallery of the event is included.

Peace, Dr. Ed Dugas