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Football: 1943 Oil Bowl Champions and Heartbreak at 1970 Grantland Rice Bowl

Football Bowl History began long before the New Orleans Bowl.

Houston Oil Bowl, Jan. 1, 1944
At the conclusion of the 1943 football season, the SLI Bulldogs who had only a 20-20 tie with Arkansas A&M preventing an undefeated season, had an opportunity to replay the tie game on Jan. 1, 1944 in the Houston Oil Bowl.

With Quarterback Alvin Dark leading the way, the Bulldogs prevailed by a 24-7 score and were crowned champions in our first bowl game. The season and bowl information is located in the photo gallery > Football > 1943.

Click here for the photo gallery of the Houston Oil Bowl.

Grantland Rice Bowl, Dec. 12, 1970 Baton Rouge 

Click here for the article in the Daily Advertiser by J. C. Hatcher documenting the heroic effort by the USL Ragin’ Cajuns in a 26-25 loss to Tennessee State University which included a host of future NFL stars.  

This story is located in the Archived News page of www.athleticnetwork.net
To view, click on any current story and when Archived News appears in the upper left of the page, click on December and 1970, then the title of the article. All archived postings are located in this manner.

Peace, Dr. Ed Dugas