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Family Connections – a key page in the History of UL Athletics – please review and send your FCs

When one clicks on the History of UL Athletics link on left side of the AN home page, a most unique menu appears, one which is not available in the typical links of teams,  support groups, and news.

Among the links of historical significance is one entitled, "Family Connections".

Family Connections may cross lines of gender, sport, support group, etc., and connects people by marriage and/or blood.

There are now over 80 entries in the FC page and these include over 300 people.

Please review the Family Connections Page and send your FCs if your family is not posted. Thank you.

Please send your FCs to athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu  

Also, please make us aware of any FCs which need to be added. Thank you.

Peace, Ed Dugas