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Division of Athletic Network Miscellaneous Photo Gallery Into 1- Individuals & Pairs; 2- Groups

Years after the beginning of the Athletic Network, the Miscellaneous Photo Gallery was designed to post those photos which did not fit in a team photo gallery or a reunion photo gallery, but needed to be retained.

Recently, the Miscellaneous Photo Gallery experienced a problem in that it had grown too large, yet the awesome variety of photos needed to be retained.

To attempt to reduce the size of the gallery, some of the photos were moved into either the team photo galleries or the reunion photo galleries.  However, the Miscellaneous Photo Gallery was still too large.

After looking a several alternatives, it was decided to keep all of the photo, but divide the Miscellaneous Photo Gallery into two parts.

The first Miscellaneous Photo Gallery contains photos where the focus is on individuals and pairs; whereas the second Miscellaneous Photo Gallery focuses on groups.

The two galleries are still large and take almost a minute or so to upload…so, please be patient for this special collection and you will reap the benefits of your patience.  

Special appreciation is expressed to Noah Morley, Athletic Network Student Assistant, who posted the above changes for the division.

To view, click www.athleticnetwork.net  –  Photo Gallery on left side of home page – either of the Miscellaneous Photo Galleries.

Peace, Dr. Ed Dugas