Dan Bouillion’s Latest Book Is Available With Amazon – Dimension: UNKNOWN
One of the first Friends of the Athletic Network (FAN), was Daniel J. Bouillion, one of our HPE graduates and close friend. After a successful teaching/coaching career in the Lafayette area, Dan taught for several years in New Mexico. His latest creation is now on the market and available through Amazon.
Please click here to be connected directly to the page of Dimension: INKNOWN by D.J. Bouillion
Dimension: UNKNOWN is a collection of five short stories for young readers. The mystery and suspense will captivate the imagination and render to the connection of two worlds eager to exist. These stories will allow one to embark on a journey to unknown worlds—an incredible voyage. The unexplained will entice young readers to explore the creativity of the mind and travel parallel through a dimension in time not familiar with reality.
Thanks, Dan, for informing us of this latest publication.
Who was it that spread the rumor that HPE/Coaching types could not be writers?
Fred "Erik" Nelson , retired HPE faculty member, has sent his latest book of poetry to his publisher and it should be out later this year. Fred recently celebrated his 90th birthday.