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Covid vaccine is now one of the required immunizations of college students in Louisiana

Dear students, faculty and staff members,



As you may know, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration fully approved the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for people ages 16 and over on Monday.



The University of Louisiana System previously requested that the Louisiana Department of Health add COVID-19 to the schedule of required immunizations for students enrolled at all system institutions, including UL Lafayette, when a vaccine received full FDA approval.



Shortly following the FDA’s announcement this morning, LDH granted the system’s request.



COVID-19 is now on the schedule of required immunizations for college students in Louisiana. The Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines will satisfy this requirement.  



The FDA’s approval has long been the standard for pharmaceutical safety and efficacy, and I hope the agency’s endorsement will reassure those of you who have yet to be vaccinated to do so.



Protocols for reporting vaccination status to the University have been in place for many years. Similar to all other immunizations on the schedule, students will be required to provide proof of vaccination, a physician’s certification that the vaccine is medically contraindicated, or a written dissent.



I know many of you have questions about these steps, and more information will be forthcoming soon.



But in the meantime, I want to strongly encourage you again to protect yourselves and your family and friends by being vaccinated.



Our University, in collaboration with the Louisiana National Guard and LDH, is offering a free, walk-in vaccination and testing clinic in Burke-Hawthorne Hall from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. The University clinic administers the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.



Students who receive their first or second vaccine dose on campus qualify for a bank card as part of the state’s “Shot for $100” incentive program. Those who have received both doses can win prizes by entering the University’s “Don’t Wait. Vaccinate!” campaign. Find more about the programs here.



Our return to normalcy depends on minimizing the impact COVID-19 continues to have. Protecting our wider community requires that each of us does our part.






Dr. Joseph Savoie






Visit my blog at https://president.louisiana.edu/presidents-blog to read more.