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Cajun Cup Doing Special T-Shirt This Year In Honor of Tom “Hop” Hopkins

Track & Field Newsletter – Special Cajun Cup Announcement From Claude Revels

Click here for Claude’s AN profile http://localhost:8000/site.php?pageID=55&profID=16851

Click here for the AN profile of Tom "Hop" Hopkins http://localhost:8000/site.php?pageID=55&profID=2996

Pictured below is Hop and family at the 2019 Track & Field Reunion enjoying crawfish.

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Track  and Field Teammates,

As most of you know Tom “Hop” Hopkins continues his battle with Cancer.  Hop has many Runners he has trained that belong to The Cajun Roadrunners’ Club. 

CRRs are holding their Annual Cajun Cup 10K Race and have used Hop’s image for their Entry shirts. I contacted Christina, CRR President about purchasing shirts without having to register for the Race. She enthusiastically agreed and said the money from any extra shirts would go to Hop and his family. 

Here is the link to the form where you can order a shirt(s). It’s a great tribute to Hop. I would encourage each of you to consider honoring Hop with the purchase of a shirt.  https://forms.gle/a5aVUMz2axqTZzTH9

Geaux Cajuns!

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Peace, Ed Dugas