Athletics: Louisiana Records Impressive Marks in Latest APR ReportVolleyball program posts a perfect 1,000 Multi-Year APR rate

LAFAYETTE – Louisiana’s Volleyball, Soccer, Golf, Women’s Tennis and Men’s Track & Field programs registered perfect 1,000 single-year Academic Progress Rate (APR) scores in 2018-19, while the Volleyball program posted a perfect 1,000 multi-year APR score, as detailed in the NCAA’s annual report that was released Tuesday. In addition, Women’s Basketball, Men’s Cross Country and Women’s Cross Country, along with Volleyball, Soccer, Golf, Women’s Tennis and Men’s Track & Field, earned perfect Eligibility/Graduation scores in 2018-19. The APR, created by the NCAA to provide a more real-time measurement of academic success than graduation rates offer, is a team-based metric where scholarship student-athletes earn one point each term for remaining eligible and one point for staying in school or graduating. Every Division I sports team submits data to have its APR calculated each academic year. The NCAA reports both single-year rates and four-year (multi-year) rates, on which penalties for poor academic performance are based.