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Athletic Network: Volunteers Needed – Open Invitation to Inquire – No obligation

The Athletic Network is in need of volunteers to research the current postings.

Tasks may be done at one’s leisure, at their convenience. The only requirements are that one emails and has access to the internet.
The physical location of the volunteer is not important, so long as the two above conditions are met.

Training can be done over the phone/by email and will be task-specific. Volunteers could help in several areas, with the volunteer selecting the area of their interest.

Several of the areas where assistance is needed include the following:
Military, Obituaries, and Captions to Profiles – where one looks at photos on the AN and emails the caption information to Ed Dugas.
If you want to learn more, please email athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu and put "Volunteer Inquiry" in RE: or Subj: line. Thanks.

Peace, Dr. Ed Dugas