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Athletic Network: please check email address & spam-blockers – help with family,teammates,fans

Please check your profile to see if the email address in your profile is current. This is vital for electronic communications and an area where the most emails are sent to us.

When people inquire as to why they cannot successfully email a teammate or friend using the email address included in an AN profile, the usual answer is that the accuracy and completeness of each profile is the responsibility of each person…and all we can do is share what was provided to us. 

Some people have inquired as to why they no longer receive the newsletter – and the reason usually is that they changed their email address, but did not inform the AN or do a profile update to change the email address.

Usually, the other reason for not receiving the complimentary electronic AN Newsletter is because the viewer has a spam-blocker and has not designed it to allow emails from athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu  to be received. Please make the change so you can be selectively informed through the newsletter. Newsletters can be valuable guides to time-efficient processing of recently posted information.  

In the case of families and teammates, please check (use the search engines in the upper left of the home page at www.athleticnetwork.net ) to see if they are listed. Searches may be done by sport, support group or year – once the team, group or year is highlighted and the red search button on the right of the white box is clicked – all names are listed alphabetically by year. Since these listings were started from scratch in 2002, many of them are still works in progress. Your assistance in this area would be invaluable – beyond our sources of yearbooks, media guides, etc.

Please accept the responsibility for your profile and if there are aunts, uncles, parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, etc., who are not included, but who were an important part of our history, please email the AN so their profile can be documented. 

If in doubt, please check the photo gallery for cheerleaders, coaches, dancers, players, etc. Many family members have helped the AN document the profile of a loved-one – especially those who do not have internet access, are deceased, etc.

Your assistance will help the AN in providing complete and accurate information on all of our former athletes and support groups.

Also, if you know of a Ragin’ Cajuns fan who would like to receive the complimentary electronic newsletter, all they need to do is click on the Become a Fan link on the black horizontal bar of the home page. This will assist them to email their name and email address to us and they will begin receiving the complimentary newsletter.

Please continue to email obituary information to the AN. These are posted in the news box and their teammates are sent a newsletter about the death. Assistance from former teammates with current email address have been most helpful in providing this timely information. Thank you.  

Peace, Ed Dugas

Dr. Ed Dugas, Research Coordinator
Athletic Network www.athleticnetwork.net