For new postings in the Athletic Network photo gallery, click the links below: 1940 Football (First McNaspy Stadium Football Game) http://localhost:8000/site1326.php 1966 Southwestern Relays Court http://localhost:8000/site119.php 1970 Men’s Physical Education Faculty http://localhost:8000/site4836.php 1971 Football (First Cajun Field Football Game) http://localhost:8000/site354.php 1973 Homecoming Court http://localhost:8000/site1883.php 1981 Softball (First Softball Game) vs. UNO http://localhost:8000/site250.php Our appreciation is expressed to all former athletes and support group members who submitted photos, information, game reports, etc. Please scan any which you have and email as an attachement to athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu You contributing to the documentation of our awesome athletic history is appreciated. Thanks. In this manner you can keep the scrapbook and still provide the information for the Cajun Nation to enjoy. Thanks. Peace, Dr. Ed Dugas