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University to replace diplomas destroyed by recent floods

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette will replace diplomas for alumni whose diplomas were lost or ruined during recent flooding.

UL Lafayette will provide a free paper diploma, often referred to as a “sheet” diploma, to any graduate impacted by recent floods in south Louisiana.

Duplicate diplomas, which can be ordered through the University’s Office of the Registrar, typically cost $17. Replacement diplomas for flood victims will be issued through Sept. 30 at no charge.

They will be printed with the University name that corresponds to the time graduates received their original diplomas.

The University was known as the University of Southwestern Louisiana from 1960 until 1999, when it became UL Lafayette. It was Southwestern Louisiana Institute from 1921 to 1960 and Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute from its founding in 1898 until 1921.

To receive a replacement diploma, alums must fill out a “duplicate diploma request” form that can be downloaded from the UL Lafayette Office of the Registrar’s website.

Applicants must indicate on the form that their diploma was lost during the floods, and include a photo ID with the request.

Applicants also must provide documentation that their house, apartment or office was flooded, explained Dr. DeWayne Bowie, vice president of Enrollment Management.

“Alums who have questions or who want more information about how to obtain a replacement diploma should get in touch with the University’s Office of the Registrar,” Bowie said.

Contact UL Lafayette’s Office of the Registrar at registrar@louisiana.edu or (337) 482-6291.