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University: A tour of the new UL Student Union

Megan Wyatt, The Advertiser, July 15, 2014


A welder cuts pieces of metal while working on the new UL bookstore at at the new student union in Lafayette, LA, Monday, July 14, 2014. Photo by Paul Kieu, The Advertiser(Photo: Paul Kieu, The Advertiser)

The floors are covered in sawdust, the doors are made from spray-painted planks, and a few of the walls are still exposed to summer showers.

On Monday afternoon, about 170 crew members performed everything from basic plumbing to the installation of a glass wall system.

Although it is still difficult to imagine the University of Louisiana at Lafayette’s new Student Union as a lively building filled with students, professors and alumni, one thing is clear.

This isn’t your grandma’s student union.

Click here for video of Jack Craft, UL Student Union Project Superintendent.

Click here for photo gallery.