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Thanksgiving Greetings: Revels, Humphreys, Bentley, Pettis, Hudspeth

Fall Thoughts is the first Thanksgiving message received by the AN. You may email your Thanksgiving message to athleticnetwork@louisiana.edu so it can be posted along with Claude’s message. Thanks. Peace, Ed Dugas

Fall Thoughts – Submitted by Claude Revels.  

May this Fall remind you of those memories of days gone by…..of turkey roasting in Grandma’s oven, her apple pie sitting on the window sill to cool.  The smell causing your head to turn towards the house as you sit under the grapevine with it’s leaves turning the colors of a sunset. May your memories turn to the things you should be thankful for….and for those whom you should thank.
As we often do in later years, our thoughts begin to count the Falls
we have encountered as we remember the Springs with the fondness of a youngster, and we wonder?  What ever become of so and so? Take the time to be thankful this Fall…..and try and find so and so. Best Regards,


(Claude Revels, Track & Cross Country, 1970-72)

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The former Ann Reed and I would like to wish all our former classmates, friends and teammates a joyous Thanksgiving and happy holiday season from our home in Austin. Ann was a former Blue Key Darling among other honors and I was a member of Beryl Shipley’s  first basketball squad. Years involved were 1957-1961.
Howard Humphreys

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HAPPY THANKSGIVING.  AND Thank You for the newsletters.  GRREAT IDEA !!!!
Doris Bentley, Faculty Member 1959-86.

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Current football player Larry Pettis from Oxford, Miss

JUST THANKFUL: Pettis was asked earlier this week he’s thankful for.

"I’m just thankful God has put me in a situation to be successful," the senior said. "I’m thankful I came down here to UL.

"There’s just so many things to be thankful for. I got to wake up this morning; I’m thankful for that. I’m thankful I have a healthy daughter. I’m thankful just for this opportunity."

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Coach Hudspeth suggested all the Cajuns should reflect on that topic this week.

"We’ve got so much to be thankful for it’s unbelievable," he said.

"I’m just very thankful to have an opportunity to be the coach here, and I know these players are thankful for their opportunities to play this great game and get a great education and live in a great community."
Pettis and Hudspeth comments were part of Tim Buckley’s story in the  Daily Advertiser on Nov. 25, 2014
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