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Tennis: Photo Gallery posted – Inaugural John Breaux Cajun Tennis Classic & Bruce Brown Recognition

The Inaugural John Breaux Cajun Tennis Classic was held  on Sept. 22-25, 2016 at the Culotta Tennis Center.

Through the efforts of John Wayne "Skipper" Hunt, Tennis 1973-75, the AN was able to post the photo gallery. Thanks, Skipper.

To view the gallery, please click www.athleticnetwork.net  >

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John Breaux Cajun Tennis Classic – please allow for the gallery to upload. Thanks.

Please click here to view one of the articles by Bruce Brown which provides a preview of the outstanding participants in the 2016 JBCTC, information on John Breaux, and background information on this special Cajun tennis tradition which has been resurrected by Coach Mark Jeffrey. 

The photo gallery contains a variety of photos, including one of the recognition of long-time sports reporter, Bruce Brown. His years of reporting on Cajun Tennis was special to those former tennis players who are grateful for his efforts.

Peace, Ed Dugas