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Softball: Brignac’s Blog: Feb. 9, 2008



Saturday, February 09, 2008





So it’s game day!  Alarm goes off at 7:25 a.m.  Lana and I get up, put our uniforms on, and walk down to the lobby for breakfast.  I grab a banana and some yogurt, strawberry and banana yogurt to be exact.  You could tell by the atmosphere in the lobby that we were ready to play.  We have been waiting for this moment for a long time, and finally it was here!  People were eating their food, some listening to music, and others just waiting to get on the bus.  We were all in uniform, and a lot of us had in ribbons.  Ribbons are the best accessory; well to me they are anyways.  I have lots of them and in all different colors and designs, and I love to get new ones.  Before leaving the lobby, Adele pulls out a bag of ribbons her mom gave her, all red, black, and white, and all with different designs.  I loved them!  Now, it was time to pack the bus and head out.  At 8:15 a.m., the bus pulls out of the hotel parking lot, heading to the field for our first game of the 2008 season.


Once we got to the field, we had to get our bags and go into the dugout.  Cleats on.  Gloves and bats out.  Once the team started doing their pregame hitting, Brittany, Donna, and I went back on the bus to relax before warming up, since we had almost 2 hours before game time.  I sat on the bus, took a few pictures (can’t just let a camera sit there and not take any pictures), and listened to my ipod.  Once the time came, we got off the bus and went into the dugout.  The infield started taking ground balls, the outfield were taking fly balls, and Donna started warming up in the bullpen with Lana.  At 10:30, the umpires walked out onto the field—you know what that means—GAME TIME!  We huddled up, Coach Mike gave his pregame speech, Lana prayed, and then we said the Lord’s prayer.  “1…2…3…US”  We broke out of the huddle and were ready for our game to begin.




Our first game is against ULM, who is in our conference.  After the pre-game meeting with the coaches and umpires, it was time to start.  They would call out the lineup and everyone lines up on the foul lines.  With our right hands on our hearts, the National Anthem is played while we are facing our American flag.  Every time that song is played and I see that flag, I can’t help but think about what it all stands for.  It has so much more meaning to me now than it ever has.  Over this past summer, I have realized just how special it is to be able to play under that flag, and how blessed we all really are.  “…and the home of the brave!”.  We leave the line, head into the dugout, and get ready to hit, since we are the visitors this game.  With helmets on and bats in hand, it was time to have some fun!  Melissa steps in the batters box, ready for the first pitch.  All of us are clapping and cheering.  The energy in our dugout was high!  Through the first 2 innings, the score stays 0-0, but that would all change with Holly in the top of the 3rd inning.  She steps up to the plate, the pitcher pitches the ball, then ‘BANG’, she hits a bomb over the fence with two people on, putting us up 3-0.  Everyone jumps out of the dugout with hands in the air.  We crowd the plate and wait for her to come around.  Once she steps on home plate, we start hitting her on the helmet—don’t worry, it’s a good thing!  Back in the dugout, we were ready for some more.  It’s an awesome feeling to be on this team, everyone always pumped up and ready to play and ‘get after it’!  We are all into every pitch, ‘inch by inch’ Coach Mike says.  During the middle of the 6th inning, Monique and I head down to the bullpen to start warming up for our next game, which starts right after we finish this game.  The game ended, with a score of 6-0 and Donna gets her first collegiate win for the first game of our season.






Game number 2 is against La Tech, also known as the Lady Techsters.  The umpires come back on the field for the game to start.  We do our pre-game prayer and cheer, and then head out onto the field.  I step into the circle, and when I look up, I see all of our fans.  There are so many of them, cheering and clapping.  There aren’t many places in the country that have as much support by fans and the community like we do.  It’s one of the reasons why I love this place so much.  The top of the first inning ends, 3 up 3 down.  Now it’s our turn to hit.  Melissa starts us off with a double up the middle and Soto scores her in with a double to right center.  This was just the beginning.  Through 4 innings, we hit a 7 doubles and score 13 runs.  The game ends in 5 innings, with us on top, 13 to 0.  We shake hands, head back to the dugout, pack our bags, and leave the field. 




Outside the fence, our parents are waiting.  I see my little brother and


sister first, then my mom and dad.  They hug me, tell me they love me, and


say good job!  We sit around and talk for a while.  After about 30 minutes,


we get on the bus, get a post-game speech by Coach Mike, and leave the


field.  I was excited!  I had finally pitched my first college game, and I


couldn’t be happier.  We get to the parking lot of Chili’s, where all of our


families are waiting to eat with us.  After 2 hours of eating and talking,


we get back on the bus heading back to our hotel. 




Once we get to the hotel, I go to the room, take a shower, and then go to


our trainer’s room to get treatment.  To help the time past faster, I start


watching The Italian Job on t.v.  If you haven’t seen that movie, you


should.  It’s really good!  After I finish, I head downstairs to the lobby


to talk with my dad.  We talk about the game today and the game tomorrow,


and then just start talking about other things.  My mom and little sister


come and join us and we just ‘catch up’ with everything, and then, Katie,


Lana, her dad, and sister join us a little later.  It was a good to just


talk and relax for a little bit before having to go up to our rooms for bed


check.  9:30 rolls around really quick, when Coach Joy comes in for our bed


check.  Time to go to bed!  Game number 3 is tomorrow morning.  It’s going


to be a good day!


 Romans 12:5  So in Christ, we who are many form one body, and each member


belongs to all the others!