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Promising Baseball: Hogan Harris selected for Perfect Game All-American Classic-helps cancer cause

Hello folks,


Many of you may be following my Facebook, but if you aren’t I would like to share some news. My son Hogan has been selected to play in the Perfect Game All-American Classis in San Diego on August 10.  This is a great baseball honor, but an even greater opportunity for him to help with children’s cancer research.


All participants will have the honor of raising much-needed funds for pediatric cancer research at Rady Children’s Hospital – San Diego.


” Rady Children’s Hospital – San Diego is committed to discovering treatments and cures for childhood cancer. Through our affiliation with the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and other world-class research institutions, children benefit from basic, clinical and translational research — and from the best minds in medicine working together. “


The teams will spend a portion of the Classic weekend at the hospital meeting the doctors and nurses and spending quality time with the young patients. 


Please know that there is absolutely no obligation to donate, but if you do wish to participate, start by clicking on this link ( https://vimeo.com/101031067 ). A personal fundraising page for Hogan has been created:


             URL: http://miraclemakers2014.kintera.org/hogan_harris




  Robert “KingRob” Harris