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Former Football: From the heart – the new heart for William “Boss Dog” Patrick Boudreaux 79-82

"Some Good News Today"
This email received from Pat Boudreaux, football 1979-82. Please click here for his profile. Thank you.
Dr. Harold Aymond, a friend since childhood in our home town of Evergreen, Louisiana, retired from the McNeese State University Agriculture faculty and is now, Professor Emeritus. Several years ago, he received a heart transplant and it was only fitting that he share experiences with Pat when Pat was seeking special information. Sadly, at this time, after over a dozen years, Dr. Aymond’s new heart is showing signs of rejecting its new home. Your prayers for both Pat and Harold are appreciated. Peace, Ed Dugas

Good morning please to let you know I received a heart transplant on 5/14/13. The heart seems to be perfect match with no signs of rejection. I want to thank you all that supported me during this difficult time and God bless you all.

Pat Boudreaux #62

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 3, 2012, at 8:26 PM, "Ed Dugas" <ead9743@louisiana.edu> wrote:

> Dear Harold and Pat,
> I am pleased that you all have been able to swap emails. Please provide periodic updates regarding your status. Both of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
> Pat, Dr. Aymond is a USL graduate (B.S. in Agronomy). While you were out on the football field, Harold represented the university in agricultural activities.
> Peace, Ed Dugas
> —– Original Message —– From: "William Boudreaux" <w.boudreaux49@yahoo.com>
> To: "Ed Dugas" <ead9743@louisiana.edu>
> Cc: "Harold Aymond" <haymond@suddenlink.net>
> Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2012 7:45 PM
> Subject: Re: Dr. Harold Aymond Pat Boudreaux Heart Transplant Waiting List
> Hi Dr Harold I hope you are in good spirit! In communicating with Mr Ed Dugas he informed me about your heart transplant condition. I am a 1A on the transplant list at Oshner in N.O. I just went through a full check-up an is medically ready for a transplant. I am 6’4 which makes it difficult to match me to a donor. Because of this, the transplant team discussed with me about having the ALVAT longer or going with a high risk heart. They did a good job explaining what high risk meant which is around 5% greater than a more scrutinized heart. I could use some feed back on anything you know and feel about HRH’s. We are hoping to have a donor by April, before a decision is made. I also struggle with someone has to die for me to live!
> Thank You and God bless
> Pat Boudreaux