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Football: Letter to the Editor – Coach Hudspeth is a great man and coach

Published in the Letters to the Editor – Daily Advertiser, Oct. 4, 2013

Coach Hudspeth is a great man and coach.

We’ve all heard the cliches in today’s competitive college football business — winning is everything; win at all cost; if you’re not the best, we don’t need you.

As a die-hard Cajuns fan, alumnus and ex-player, it was exciting to learn that Coach Mark Hudspeth had been hired as the new head football coach for the Cajuns. Could this be the one to bring our beloved Cajuns to the promise land? So far, the answer is yes.

Upon Coach Hudspeth’s arrival, our son was on the Cajuns roster, completing his red-shirt freshman year as a walk-on. After the welcomes faded and the hard work began, our son called one night after workouts. During that conversation, I asked what he thought about the new coach and his reply was simply, “He’s a winner. Players that don’t die or quit will also be winners for life.”

Our son is a respectable athlete but could use more size, speed, and strength. Over the past three years, he’s experienced three major injuries with rehabilitation setbacks, yet still holds a spot on the present UL roster as a senior.

I sat in Cajun Field this past Saturday night and witnessed with wet eyes our son’s childhood dream come true by becoming a college football player for the first time as he entered the game. Most of the credit for his “dream come true” is due to the “never say die or quit” attitude our son has always had, but the remainder of the credit goes to Coach Hudspeth. Coach Hudspeth never gave up on him, always encouraging him to work harder, do more, and get better. Coach Hudspeth never threw him away.

In this day of win at all costs, it’s refreshing to see a hard-nosed, genuine football coach still have compassion for a young man pursuing his childhood dream with more heart than ability and talent.

From my family to yours, bless you Coach Hudspeth.

Wendell Christian
