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Football: Hudspeths welcome another boy

Staff Report, The Advertiser, November 10, 2014


UL Head Football Coach Mark Husdspeth and his wife, Tyla, welcomed a baby boy Monday, which also happened to be Hudspeth’s 46th birthday. Captain Ty Hudspeth arrived Monday afternoon weighing in at 7 pounds 15 ounces and 19 inches.

Captain is the couple’s second son, and Hudspeth’s third. He joins 4-year-old brother, Major, and Hudspeth’s teenage son and daughter from a previous marriage.

In Tweeting the baby’s birth, Hudspeth also acknowledged the passing of former UL legend Orlando Thomas. The former Crowley High, UL and Minnesota Vikings defensive back died Sunday after battling ALS for more than 10 year’s.

Hudspeth Tweeted:

When God takes one angle from the world, he sends another!! Welcome to the world baby boy Captain Ty Hudspeth!! #7.16ounces #19inches #QB