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Cajun Tennis and Texas Ranger: Book “Joe B. Hunt, Texas Ranger, campfire tales” is now available

Dr. Dugas, 
               Here is the information about my brother Joe’s book that has recently been published and available at: http://www.amazon.com. The name of the book is Joe B. Hunt, Texas Ranger, campfire tales and it is comprised of campfire-style stories of Joe’s law enforcement career as a Texas Ranger, Texas Highway Patrolman, and Tom Green County Sheriff.  It also focuses on his finding God after a near fatal heart attack in May of 2004. All proceeds from the sale of his book are going to a ministry that drills water wells in Africa and South America called “Water for All International.”  More information about this project can found at their website: http://www.waterforallinternational.org.  Please call or e-mail if you have any questions or need additional information.



Athletic Network Footnote:
Click here for the Athletic Network profile of John Wayne "Skipper" Hunt, Tennis 1973-75, UL Athletic Hall of Fame member, and a wonderful ambassador for the university. 
During the 2013 Tennis Reunion, the format allowed time for in-depth visits, whether watching a tennis match or having coffee. When Skipper told me about the book his brother was writing, I thought it would be good to make AN viewers aware of his unique story.  Heroes –  they cross our paths on a daily basis.
Peace, Ed Dugas