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Bill “Blackjack” Scholarship awarded for Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 semesters

Congratulations to Kelli Junot and Marchello Gothe, recipients of the Bill "Blackjack" Landry Scholarship. 

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Below is text from Scott Farmer regarding the awarding of the Blackjack Scholarship. Please pass this information via the Athletic Network as you see appropriate.

Per Article V. Section B of the Bill “Blackjack” Landry scholarship agreement, a Scholarship Selection Committee was formed in 2012.  Members include: 

1.         Scott Farmer              Director of Athletics 
2.         Lynn Williams          Equipment Manager (student manager under Blackjack) 
3.         Edward Pratt             Former football player, former Dean of Student

A meeting of said committee was held on Tuesday, October 8, 2013 to review applicants for the 2013-14 recipient of the Bill “Blackjack” Landry Scholarship.  Three (3) highly qualified applicants were reviewed and thoroughly discussed.

Ms. Kelli Junot was unanimously chosen to be the recipient for Fall Semester only (she graduates in December).  Mr. Marchello Gothe was unanimously chosen to be the Spring Semester recipient.

Ed, thank you for your assistance.

kenneth l blanchard